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Boat Registration & Sail Numbering

Boat Registration & Sail Numbering

This page gives details of how to register your new or second hand RC Laser, it is a pretty simple affair and doesn't cost a fortune either!








If you wish to race your RC Laser at an Open Meeting or Association Event you will, in order to comply with ISAF rules, be required to place the last two digits of the boat number on the sails and the full boat number on the hull. The only exceptions to this rule are as follows:-

Since the digits 0, 1 and 8 are symmetrical, the numbers 01, 08, 10, 18, 80 and 81 on a sail can cause confusion when seen through the sail e.g. 01 appears as 10 . UKRCLA SSIs will therefore require that these numbers always display a prefix digit which shall be the next digit of the boat number (e.g. 401 on the sail in the case of boat number 401). Alternatively a '1', made from tape, may be used if preferred, e.g. 101 on the sail, although this will increase the possibility of a clash at an event. If you are issued with a boat number which includes a potentially conflicting number the additional 6 digits will be supplied free of charge by the Association.

Please note that boat numbers are allocated strictly in sequence.

The International letters ( GBR ) will also be required on the sail if racing in an international event.


Hull boat registration numbers in the UK are controlled by the UKRCLA and are issued upon request. You may use the membership page to either register your boat free of charge (advise your SAE on the membership page) or join the Association for a fee of £8.00 for Adults and Free for U18.


A full set of sails for the RC Laser comprises three rigs/sails. The 'A' rig (often described as the 'light airs' or 'drifter' rig) is the largest and is most suited to light winds. The 'B' or 'standard' (as delivered in the box with your new boat) rig will be used for the most common wind strengths. The 'C' rig (sometimes referred to as the 'Strong Wind' )reserved for moderate to strong Wind sailing. And finaly the new 'D' rig for thoes wilder days of sailing.


If you can only afford one additional sail then your choice should be determined by the wind conditions in which you expect to sail most. For example, if you sail mostly on an inland lake surrounded by trees you should go for the A rig. If however you will be sailing mostly on or near the sea you may prefer to make the C or 'D' rig your additional sail.


Sail and hull numbering should follow the recommendations set out on diagram below.

Upon registering your boat with the association you will be issued with your registered UK hull number. You may do this free of charge but please note that only currently paid up members of the association may race in certain RC Laser events.


Membership of the association costs £8.00 per anum and is optional. To see what you would get for your membership fee go to the association page. 


When registering your boat with the UKRCLA you have the opportunity to purchase sets of sail numbers from the association. These sets comprise 2 off each of the last two digits of your hull number (4 digits in total) - enough for one sail. Supplies of hull numbers and national letters for both the sails and the hull may also be obtained from the UKRCLA.


Please do not hesitate to contact the association with any questions you may have.

RC Laser Sailing 

Based in the UK nationwide. We welcome all ages and abilities for RC Sailing. Please feel free to contact us and ask any questions about RCLaser. We run events throughout the year in all weather.

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